My creative practice visualizes theories and concepts from science, particularly mathematics and physics’ String Theory; abstract images and animations are created through invention, variation, and interpretation, as well as experimentation with a combination of media - analog negatives and photographs, digital painting, drawing and photography, metal, and/or motion graphics and audio software.
String Theory’s main goal is to unify Quantum Physics (the very smallest components of nature, such as subatomic particles) with the Theory of Relativity (the study of nature at its largest scale, such as galaxies and the universe). As such, I experiment with layering multiple macro images (such as an aerial view of the ground from an airplane) with micro images (zooming in on flora); these are then assigned ratios relevant to the golden section and Fibonacci number sequence, and multi-point perspectives. The resulting abstract, composited images are additionally infused with color from the visible electromagnetic spectrum or variations of color profiles. The study of matter and motion as it relates to physics led me to experiment with animating singular images to incorporate time into the work and integrate sound to further visualize scientific concepts.
Depending on the piece, it is output via different formats, for example, on paper, metal, or a monitor. Digital technology enables me to print my work on aluminum through a dye-sublimation process; this metal is more reflective than printing on paper, and thus more accurately represents each digital image’s color, light, and interference layers in an analogue form.